Consortium for Urban Education

博彩平台排名 is a member of the Consortium for Urban Education (CUE) in the Indianapolis area. By special arrangement among the member institutions, students are given the opportunity to enroll in courses at other CUE institutions which are not available at their 首页 institution. Cross registration enables students to enhance their degree programs by taking a course at another CUE institution and receive credit at their 首页 institution upon successful completion of the course. 参与者:

  • 亚洲博彩平台排名
  • 富兰克林大学
  • 玛丽安大学
  • 马丁大学
  • 常青藤州立理工学院
  • 印第安纳波利斯大学


Eligibility for CUE enrollments shall be determined by the student’s 首页 institution and is subject to conditions outlined below. A student may enroll in a maximum of one CUE course a semester, not to exceed a total of four courses throughout the student’s program. Students may register for credit courses offered by other CUE institutions in the same term on a space-available basis. The consortium is not available to students during summer sessions.

Students may use the cross registration system to register for Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) courses at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) without negating the possibility of cross registration in one other course in addition to ROTC.


首页 – Where the student is regularly enrolled
主人 – Where the student desires to cross register

  1. The student is enrolled in at least three credit hours at his/her CUE-member 首页 institution.
  2. The student is degree-seeking or seeking certification for teaching.
  3. The desired course is not currently available at the 首页 institution or is filled.
  4. Space is available in the desired course at the 主人 institution.
  5. The student has satisfied all the course prerequisites and/or is acceptable 寄给主办机构.
  6. Application does not automatically assure admission to the course. Students will be notified of space availability near the beginning of class.
  7. 学费, where required, is paid to the 首页 campus.
  8. The student is responsible for payment of any additional course fees, lab fees, materials, 等. 寄给主办机构.
  9. In cases of differing academic regulations, those of the 主人 institution will ordinarily apply.

Courses Not Included in Cross 登记

  1. Courses that include field experience
  2. 应用音乐课程
  3. 自主学习课程
  4. 顶石/高级研讨会
  5. Tourism Convention and Event Management (TCEM) through IUPUI

CUE 登记 Procedures at 博彩平台排名

  1. 学生打印这个 CUE Cross 登记 Application. If you have any problems, talk to the Cross 登记 Officer (CRO) at the 首页 institution. At 博彩平台排名, the CRO is 迪安娜Crisan in the Office of 登记 & 档案,乔丹大厅,180室. Deanna can be contacted by phone, 317-940-9442, or via e-mail at Students do not contact the host school directly to enroll. If enrollment is done directly through the host institution, you will be billed for the course.
  2. The student consults with his/her advisor for course selection.
  3. The student secures signatures of his/her 博彩平台排名 advisor and dean.
  4. The student submits the completed form to the 博彩平台排名 Office of 登记 & 记录. Forms for fall should be submitted by August 1. Forms for spring should be submitted by December 1. Each University has their own deadlines we must adhere to. You may check individual websites for information. Some universities will NOT process a late request.
  5. The CRO determines final eligibility of the student to enroll through CUE.
  6. 博彩平台排名’s CRO will contact the CRO at the 主人 institution to determine if space exists in the course. 如果是这样的话, 博彩平台排名 will send the application 寄给主办机构’s CRO and the student follows 博彩平台排名’s registration procedures.
  7. 博彩平台排名’s CRO completes arrangements for the student
    1. Secures a place in desired class (if available)
    2. Distributes and explains all 主人 institutional policies to the student, 比如停车规则, 退伍军人政策, 等.
  8. The student pays any laboratory or special fees 寄给主办机构.
  9. The 主人 CRO transmits the official final grade to the 博彩平台排名 CRO where it will be processed.

The course and grade will appear on the 亚洲博彩平台排名 transcript as having been taken while a student is at 博彩平台排名. The grade will be included in the 博彩平台排名 grade point average.


If you are a 博彩平台排名 student, call 317-940-9442 for more information. If not, contact your home school.