Financial Aid Glossary

博彩平台排名明白,博彩平台排名理解——财政援助有很多首字母缩略词和复杂的措辞. It’s a lot of jargon to sift through! But, we don’t want your confusion to be a barrier. 博彩平台排名希望帮助你做出负责任的决定,批判性地思考,因为这与你在高等教育上的投资有关.

Is becoming a Bulldog worth it? Only if you value an investment that will pay off for a lifetime. 当你浏览经济援助的来龙去脉时,请回顾下面常用的术语和它们的定义. Terms have been sourced from

Financial Aid Offer经济援助offer是高等教育机构发给学生的一份文件,概述了向学生提供的经济援助的金额和细节, which may include scholarships, grants, loans, employment, or other forms of financial assistance to pay for college expenses. 有时学校把这些称为经济援助“奖励”,尽管这个说法已经过时了. Schools should refer to these as financial aid offers.
Cost of Attendance就读成本包括支付给学校的教育成本(也称为直接或可计费成本)和支付给他人的成本(或间接成本), non-billable or discretionary) costs. 出勤费代表学生在一个奖励年度内可以获得的最高金额的经济援助.

Costs Paid to Others
Costs paid to others (also referred to as indirect, non-billable, or additional costs), are other expenses not paid directly to the school, but associated with receiving an education. 这些费用是由学校估计的,根据学生的个人情况可能会有所不同. These expenses may include books, course materials, supplies, equipment, transportation and parking, personal expenses, childcare costs, computer costs, disability expenses, licensure expenses and off-campus rent and food.
Cost Payable to the School应付给学校的费用(也称为直接或可计费的费用)通常包括学费, fees, housing, and meals/food (for students residing on campus), health insurance (if minimum insurance coverage is not documented), or any other expenses paid to the school for enrollment. 
Educational LoanMoney borrowed from the federal government, a college or university, 或者像银行或金融机构这样的私人来源来支付教育费用,并且必须连同利息一起偿还.
Federal LoanAlso known as the Direct Loan Program, 它允许符合条件的学生和家长直接从美国大学贷款.S. Department of Education at participating colleges or universities. Federal student loans include Direct Subsidized, 直接无补贴计划和直接PLUS计划,适用于受抚养学生和研究生或专业学生的父母.
Federal Direct Subsidized Student Loan直接补贴贷款是一种基于经济需要的本科联邦学生贷款,为学生提供减少的贷款, fixed interest rate and flexible repayment terms. Interest is subsidized, meaning it does not accrue to the borrower, while in an in-school, grace, or deferment period. Annual and aggregate limits apply.
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Student Loan无补贴贷款为学生提供固定利率和灵活的还款条件. It is not based on financial need. 利息在贷款发放时开始累积,可以在学生入学或开始偿还贷款时支付. Annual and aggregate limits apply.
Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan直接毕业生PLUS贷款是毕业生或专业学生用来支付教育费用的联邦贷款. A credit check for adverse credit history is required for eligibility. 利息在贷款发放时开始累积,可以在学生入学或开始偿还贷款时支付.
Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan直接父母加贷款是联邦贷款,受抚养本科生的父母可以用它来帮助支付教育费用. 家长必须通过不良信用记录的信用检查,才有资格获得PLUS贷款. 
Private LoanA student or parent loan from a bank, credit union, private company, a nonprofit or state-affiliated lender, 或者直接从学院或大学支付教育费用. Interest begins to accrue when the loan is disbursed, 而且还款可以在学生还在上学的时候就开始. 学生可以在入学期间暂停付款. Students will want to work with their lenders directly for details.
Enrollment StatusThe number of credits, clock hours, or classes the student is enrolled in, or whether they have withdrawn, graduated, etc. 注册状态会影响学生获得经济援助的资格和金额. It also affects when student loans enter repayment status.
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is an index, used to determine your eligibility for federal, and in some instances, state and institutional need-based student financial aid. 一般来说,EFC较高的学生有资格获得较少的基于需求的经济援助. 它是基于学生及其家人在联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)上提供的信息。. 
Federal Pell Grant佩尔助学金是一项联邦助学金计划,旨在帮助低收入和中等收入家庭的本科生支付大学学费. The award amount is based on the cost of the institution, EFC, and enrollment status, and is subject to an aggregate limit.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)由学校向有特殊经济需要且不需要偿还的合格本科生提供的联邦补助金. The amount of funding from this program varies by institution. 
Federal Work-Study (FWS)联邦勤工俭学为有经济需要的本科生和研究生提供兼职工作资金. Unlike grants and loans, FWS是支付给学生的,因为他们通过工作来帮助他们支付支付给他人的费用. At Butler University, 联邦勤工俭学奖学金不保证学生在校期间有工作,但允许学生申请专门的符合fws条件的工作.
Grants & ScholarshipsAny money provided to students that does not have to be repaid. 它们可以被称为助学金、奖学金、学费减免、礼品援助或学费减免. Grants and scholarships are provided based on many different factors. 
Need-based Aid根据学生的经济状况提供经济援助, determined by completing the FAFSA. Need-based financial aid can take different forms, including grants, scholarships, work-study programs, and low-interest loans, like the federal direct subsidized loan.
Net Price出席费用与所有助学金和奖学金之间的差额. 净价反映了学生预计自己支付的教育费用,可以通过各种渠道支付, including savings, student employment, institutional payment plans, or education loans.
Other Funding Options助学金和奖学金以外的资助选择,学生和他们的家庭可以用来支付任何剩余的费用或开支. 这可能包括贷款、学生就业、机构支付计划或个人储蓄. 
Student Aid Index (SAI)SAI将从2024-25年FAFSA开始取代EFC,作为确定联邦资格的资格指标, and in some instances, state and institutional need-based student financial aid. 一般来说,EFC较高的学生有资格获得较少的基于需求的经济援助. 这是基于学生及其家人在FAFSA上提供的信息.  
Verification联邦政府授权的程序,以确认选定申请人在FAFSA上提供的数据的准确性. To complete the verification process, the student, their parent(s), or spouse, if applicable, are required to provide certain documents to the school for review. 如果学生提供的文件与FAFSA报告的不匹配, 验证可能会导致学生的经济援助资格发生变化, and/or financial aid offers.